IP Connectivity Parameters

The IP connectivity parameters are described in the table below.

IP Connectivity Parameters



'Enable Alt Routing Tel to IP'

configure voip > gateway routing settings > alt-routing-tel2ip


Enables the device to check the connectivity status of IP destinations of configured Tel-to-IP routing rules in the Tel-to-IP Routing table. This can then be used to trigger alternative routing for Tel-to-IP calls if connectivity with an IP destination is down and an alternative routing rule has been configured.

[0] Disable = (Default) Disables the IP Connectivity feature.
[1] Enable = Enables the IP Connectivity feature.
[2] Status Only = The IP Connectivity feature is disabled, but read-only information on the QoS of the IP destination is provided.

Note: If the parameter is enabled, the Busy Out feature (see EnableBusyOut parameter) doesn't function with the Proxy Set keep-alive mechanism. To use the Busy Out feature with the Proxy Set keep-alive mechanism (for IP Groups), disable the parameter.

'Alt Routing Tel to IP Mode'

configure voip > gateway routing settings > alt-rte-tel2ip-mode


Determines the IP Connectivity event(s) reason for triggering Alternative Routing.

[0] None = Alternative routing is not used.
[1] Connectivity = Alternative routing is performed if SIP OPTIONS message to the initial destination fails (determined according to the AltRoutingTel2IPConnMethod parameter).
[2] QoS = Alternative routing is performed if poor QoS is detected.
[3] Both = (Default) Alternative routing is performed if a SIP OPTIONS to initial destination fails, poor QoS is detected, or the DNS host name is not resolved.


QoS is quantified according to delay and packet loss calculated according to previous calls. QoS statistics are reset if no new data is received within two minutes.
To receive quality information (displayed in the 'Quality Status' and 'Quality Info.' fields in Viewing IP Connectivity) per destination, the parameter must be set to 2 or 3.

'Alt Routing Tel to IP Connectivity Method'

configure voip > gateway routing settings > alt-rte-tel2ip-method


Determines the method used by the device for periodically querying the connectivity status of a destination IP address.

[0] ICMP Ping = (Default) Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) ping messages.
[1] SIP OPTIONS = The remote destination is considered offline if the latest OPTIONS transaction timed out. Any response to an OPTIONS request, even if indicating an error, brings the connectivity status to online.

Note: ICMP Ping is currently not supported for the IP Connectivity feature.

'Alt Routing Tel to IP Keep Alive Time'

configure voip > gateway routing settings > alt-rte-tel2ip-keep-alive


Defines the time interval (in seconds) between SIP OPTIONS Keep-Alive messages used for the IP Connectivity application.

The valid range is 5 to 2,000,000. The default is 60.

'Max Allowed Packet Loss for Alt Routing'

configure voip > gateway routing settings > mx-pkt-loss-4-alt-rte


Defines the packet loss (in percentage) at which the IP connection is considered a failure and Alternative Routing mechanism is activated.

The default is 20%.

'Max Allowed Delay for Alt Routing'

configure voip > gateway routing settings > mx-all-dly-4-alt-rte


Defines the transmission delay (in msec) at which the IP connection is considered a failure and the Alternative Routing mechanism is activated.

The range is 100 to 10,000. The default is 250.